Talking To Your Parents & Kid's About Money
2.How much cash your parents have
3.Your parents total assets in Local & Overseas Bank
4.Your parents another assets, such as gold bars & properties
5.Ask about their income ( Passive, if they are retired and their expenses )
6.Get an understanding of their preferred retirement lifestyle
7.Get an understanding of their interest and activities to obtain an indication of how much money is needed
8.Ask about your parents liabilities, such as education fees, mortgages, family loans or debt from past business failures
9.You should identify your parents monthly expenses, and whether they need financial assistance
10.Should your parents need RM1,000 a month ?? You should responsible and able to discuss among themselves as to who should be assisting or how much each child should be contributing
Liabilities ??
When talking about their liabilities, you can inquire about any contract they have signed ??
Not to
While you talking about their liabilities, you may not and probably should not questions their decisions, do check if they are carrying liabilities that could be transfered to you.
Don't let your kids become a " money pit "
By the time kids primary & secondary school, they'll be pulling at the purse strings on a daily basis with request for everything from clothing to concert tickets. The advice is ; Don't Make it so easy for them. " If money is too easy to get, kids get the idea that they can have anything they want without caring about the family finances. "
Johnny Kang - JK
30 JAN 2011
08 : 20 PM
投稿者 Johnny Kang 時刻: 7:16:00
ラベル: Johnny Kang ( JK )
Be Patient With Yourself
It is easy to become impatient and frustrated, but just imagine what life would be like if Thomas Edison gave up trying to invent the electric light after failing thousands of times. He had lots of ideas and the patience to carry them out. When asked about the attempts that didn't work, Edison allegedly said something like, " I didn't fail 10,000 times ; I just found 10,000 ways that didn't work. "
Yes, as well as being patient, he was persistent, and the two do go together : One could say that you need to have the patience to be persistent, or vice versa. The real truth you have the answers or trusting your ability enough that you know you will find them. That is the essence of self-confidence.
Self-confidence doesn't come from sitting on your hands and waiting for something to happen. It is about throwing everything you have against the wall and waiting ( patiently ) for something to stick. Then you have to take your time to refine your projects. For many, that is the hardest part of the process. Great innovators can be very impatient when it comes to the implementation of their ideas.
Remember that when you are being impatient with yourself, there is no one who can defend you. Our self-imposed " Deadlines " really need to be changed to " Preferred Time Lines. " If you miss a deadline, it unconsciously creates anxiety because a part of your brain actually feels as though you will die if the job doesn't get done. That also happens when a person doesn't give you what you think you want, when you think you need it. Your mind is really telling you that you may lose something very important to you and that can cause some panic. When you are stressed in that way, getting anything done is more problematic.
Practicing patience, by forcing yourself to take your time, can also be done by realizing how you react with people you are close to. If you are impatient with them it is likely that you will be the same way with yourself, and that shows a lack of self-confidence. Learn how to be more patient with yourself when life gets in the way or requires more time than you budgeted, by working harder on going with the flow. If you feel yourself starting to get antsy, take a patience pill by simply reminding yourself that Rome wasn't built in a day, and whatever you are involved in is worth the time you are investing.
Patience may be a virtue, but if is also a necessity in achieving and living a self-confident life.
Johnny Kang -JK
27 JAN 2011
03 : 36 AM
投稿者 Johnny Kang 時刻: 7:12:00
ラベル: Johnny Kang ( JK )
Push Through The Upset
You had a great plan for the day ahead. You even went to bed early so you could wake up with a little more energy to put to your project du jour, but something happened. Somewhere in the night, upset struck your unconscious, or perhaps you got an early morning phone call or nudge, and a problem you had not anticipated occurred. So much for your best-laid plans.
When the unexpected happens, we usually get a little anxious ; sometimes we totally freak out. Again, whenever most people get derailed, their confidence is shaken, and they can change direction ( or just get lost ) and have difficulty getting back on track.
Here's an alternate way to keep your focus and move forward in the process : Instead of putting your project attention, take the time to do what you were going to do in the first place. By not allowing yourself to be thrown off course, you are keeping control. If you can sit down and complete your goal, despite your current ( and most likely momentary ) circumstances, you will build your self-cofidence and won't lose any ground.
Being able to focus, even though you are stressed, and get the job done gives you the knowledge that, no matter what happens, you can avoid internal musings and excuses. Doing what need to be done, regardless of temporary setbacks, will make you proud of yourself. It also produces a secondary positive outcome, which is a greater ability to focus on the problem that caused the upset, because you won't be thinking of what you haven't gotten done.
You will also gain more clarity, and maybe even some additional ideas of how to deal with your dilemma while finishing the work you had planned to do. Any time you can use your unconscious to help you create some problem-solving skills, do it. We have all experienced getting better ideas once our minds are actually off a problem we are trying to solve.
In addition, you may be able to channel your nervous energy into something much better. Just being frenetic and ignoring what you had planned to do doesn't help you or anyone else. But if those around you see that, even though the world is going to hell in a handbasket, you can still get the job done, then everyone involved feels more confident about you.
Sometimes putting out fires can be a way of avoiding what you really need to be doing. So make sure the emergency is real and you truly are needed before you put your priorities on the shelf. The truth is that you do have the ability to get your homework done and save the world.
Johnny Kang - JK
14 JAN 2011
03 : 41 AM
投稿者 Johnny Kang 時刻: 7:09:00
ラベル: Johnny Kang ( JK )
Negativity Kills Confidence
This isn't about having the occasional bad day or moment. It's about living and/or working in an environment that brings or puts you down. When someone is constantly telling you that you're not good enough, eventually, if you stay around a while, you will start to believe it.
Only two creatures on the planet, if you continually tell them they are bad, will take it in and believe it : dogs and humans. We have all seen dogs whose spirits have been broken. They walk around with their tails between their legs and their heads down. They get startled or sacred very easily, and can react with fear aggression ( barking or growling when they are frightened ). The poor things never seem to feel safe and secure. They have lost their wag, and it's sad to see.
People tend to react in similar ways when they are living with someone who puts them down on a regular basis or they are working for a company that manages by intimidation. There is very little joy to be found here, and one's sense of self-confidence can be easily shattered. Most people in such places are unable to find the strength they need to battle the forces that are attacking them because they have simply run out of energy.
The trick here is to step back far enough to get some perspective, and, if the circumstances i just descibed truly exist, and counseling hasn't worked or is refused, the best move may be to just leave. I know that's drastic, but staying in a negative environment or relationship because you are afraid to leave is also known as "battered person's syndrome," such as when abused women continue to go back to the home of their abusers. They do it because the devil they know is better than the one they don't ( as they mistakenly think ). They are returning to what is familiar.
Confidence cannot exist within an aura of meanness. To find yourself and rebuild what has been taken from you, leaving a bad environment may be the answer. This requires a type of inner strength that helps you believe in yourself and to know that you do not deserve to be treated badly, no matter what another person says. You have finally had enough, and you reach down to the depths of your soul and pull up whatever shreds of self-respect you can find. The feeling may only last for a few hours, but use that time to pack or write your resignation, because you will never ba able to flourish where negativity and horrific behavior are allowed to run rampant.
Once most people get out of a negative environment or relationship, one of the first things they do is castigate themselves by saying, " Why did it take me so long ? " But that thought is totally self-defeating. It took as long as it took ; do not waste any more time feeling beat up. At this point you may actually be used to it and not even see that you are doing it to yourself. As soon as you are aware you've changed the behavior, all you have to do next is whatever is in front of you. Leave the past, and the old behaviors, behind. Accept that you had the strength to change your life. It's okay to feel good about yourself.
Johnny Kang - JK
12 JAN 2011
3 : 22 AM
投稿者 Johnny Kang 時刻: 4:41:00
ラベル: Johnny Kang ( JK )
Instant Cofidence Builders
- Wash your hands and face, and brush your teeth. It cools your body, which is relaxing, and gives you that "fresh start" feeling.
- Look at any diploma or certificate of achievement you have. And if it isn't framed and on the wall, do it now. These are reminders of your accomplishments, and taking in your success is important to maintaining your confidence.
- Remember your last ( or greatest ) success and think about it for 60 seconds. Taking in your success as often as possible will help you reach another and another. Quite simply, it reminds you that, because you have done it before, you can do it again.
- Give yourself a good shave ( face or legs ). It's another instant refresher, and, in addition, when we know we are looking our best, we are naturally more confident.
- Know you are the person your kids or other loved ones think you are. Knowing that you are unconditionally loved can't help but make you feel good about yourself.
- Wash your car, inside and out. Hey, when our wheels shiny, we feel better. If you don't think this applies to you, just remember how you felt the last time you got a ride in someone's very funky car. Race you to the car wash.
- Put on clean socks and shoes you haven't worn in a few days. Shoes take a day or two to release any moisture they have absorbed. and this is a very easy way to put a little pep back into your step.
- Organize your closet and get rid of anything that no longer fits. Old clothes may come back into style, but you really don't want them on hangers for the next 20 years. Throwing put the old makes room for the new. For some, the feeling they get from putting on a new " POWER SUIT " fills them with self-esteem.
- Cook a lovely meal. Even if you are by yourself, preparing a tasty dinner, setting the table, and treating yourself to a wonderful culinary experience will lift your spirits. Sharing it with saomeone you love and/or respect will make it even more nurturing.
- Look around you, remember that you started with nothing, and know that everything you see, you created. We can all lose our feelings of self-worth, especially when something goes wrong in our world. The real truth is that, if you have done it before, you can do it again No matter what.
投稿者 Johnny Kang 時刻: 4:37:00
ラベル: Johnny Kang ( JK )
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What is Confidence ?? |
For many who live with doubt, or are in challenging situations, believing that they are even capable of feeling cofident can be difficult. I recommend that, if you are feeling this way, you find some quiet reflection time to help you see that somewhere inside you lies a confident thought or two. And that is all you need to get to the next level.
To get to this point, it can help to remember a time when you felt good about yourself and your life. Those are confident memories, and we all know that if you've done it before, you can do it again. Reflecting on past success and allowing yourself to feel the positive emotions connected with them will help you create a greater ability to tap into your cofidence, because you aren't just wishing and hoping; you are seeing that you really have been ( and can be ) a more self-confident person.
Those little pieces of success, pride, and assurance are like seeds: If you plant them, give them a little sunlight and water ( or in this case some time and thought ), you will begin to feel better about yourself and what you are doing.
Even though this exercise doesn't involve lifting weights or even putting on your sneakers, it is a workout for your emotions. Initially most people are a little relucant, partially because it's unfamiliar territory, which always produces a touch of anxiety. Pushing through your discomfort and actually working on identifying where your confidence lies is a task that, when completed, you will be thankful you took on.
Once you get in touch with the reality that you have the ability to believe in yourself ( because you have had it before ), your life will get a little easier and most likely a lot more fun.
Confidence isn't about taking over the world; it is about enjoying your world as much as possible. It doesn't take much, and you do have it inside your heart and soul, so take a little time and look for it. I think you will be more than pleased with yourself by what you find.
Johnny Kang - JK
07 JAN 2011
05 : 10 AM
投稿者 Johnny Kang 時刻: 15:50:00
ラベル: Johnny Kang ( JK )
Motivational Topic - Part 1
1.The thing always happens that you really belief in a thing makes it happen.
2.A failure is a man who has blundered, but is not able to cash in on the experience.
3.There is only one success to be able to spend your life in your own way.
4.Success is sweet, the sweeter if long delayed and attained through manifold struggles
5.The secret of success is to know something nobody else knows.
6.The greatest results in life are usually attained by simple means and the exercise of ordinary qualities. These may for the most part be summed in these two common-sense and perseverance.
7.Failures do what is tension relieving, while winners do what is goal achieving.
8.The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will.
9.I cannot give you the formula for success, but i can give you the formula for failure, which is: try to please everybody.
10.Success does not consist in never making blunders, but in never making the same one a second time.
11.The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes.
12.Success is the good fortune that comes from aspiration, despiration, perspiration and inspiration.
13.The surest way not to fail is to determine to succeed.
14.If you wish success in life, make perseverance you bosom friend, experience your wise counselor, caution your elder brother, and hope your guardian genius.
15.Impatience never commanded success.
16.The talent of success is nothing more than doing what you can do well.
17.To climb steep hills requires a slow pace at first.
18.Try not to become a man of success but a man of value.
19.The man who makes a success of an important venture never wails for the crowd, he strikes out for himself, it takes nerve, it takes a great lot of grift; but the man that succeeds has both, anyone can fail, the public admires the man who has enough confidence in himself to take a chance, these chances are the main things after all, the man who tries to succeed must expect to be criticized, nothing important was ever done but the greater number consulted previously doubted the possibility, success is the accomplishment of that which most people think can't be done.
20.If at first you don't succeed, try and try again, then quit, there's no use being a damn fool about it.
21.The ability to convert ideas to things is the secret to outward success.
22.The ability to concentrate and to use your time well is everything if you want to succeed in business or almost anywhere else for that matter.
23.A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds.
24.In everything the ends well defined are the secret of durable success.
25.Winning isn't everything but wanting to win is the one.
26.Failures do what is tension relieving, while winners do what is goal achieving.
27.A man should have any number of little aims about which he should be conscious and for which he should have name for, nor consciosness concerning, the main aim of his life.
28.Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement.
29.The great and glorious masterpiece of man is to know how to live to purpose .
30.The significance of a man is not in what he attains but in what he longs to attain.
31.Every ceiling, when reached,becomes a floor, upon which one walks as a matter of course and prescriptive right.
32.If you don' know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else.
33.We can always redeem the man who aspires and strives .
34.Life can be pulled by goals just as surely as it can be pushed by drives.
35.To reach a port, we must sail; sail, not tie at anchor; sail, not drift.
36.There is no happiness except in the realization that we have accomplished something.
37.Our plans miscarry because they have no aim, when a man does not know what harbor he is making for, no wind is the right wind.
38.It is not enough to take steps which may some day lead to a goal; each step must be itself a goal and a step likewise.
39.Who aims at excellence will be above mediocrity; who aims at mediocrity will be far short of it.
40.In absence of clearly defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily acts of trivia.
41.Don;t bunt, aim out of the ballpark.
42.There are two things to aim at in life; first to get what you want, and after that to enjoy it, only the wisest of mankind has achieved the second.
43.Go back a little to leap further.
44.It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.
45.Half of the failures in life come from pulling one's horse when he is leaping.
46.Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt.
47.Every failure brings with it the seed of an equivalent success.
48.Failure is blindness to the strategic element in events; success is readiness for instant action when the opportune moment arrives.
49.They fail, and they alone, who have not striven.
50.We learn wisdom from failure much more than success, we often discover what we will do, by finding out what we will not do.
投稿者 Johnny Kang 時刻: 13:33:00
ラベル: Johnny Kang ( JK )
Essence of Consumer Protection
Today's consumer environment is very global and very complex. In this environment, the essence of consumer protection is:
: Consumer Laws and Enforcement
: Consumer Education; and
: A System of Complaints and Redress
Consumer Laws
Consumer laws set the legislative framework for consumer protection, providing safeguards for consumer. The most important law protecting consumer in Malaysia is the Consumer Protection Act, 1999.
Other related laws protecting consumers include:
: Trade Description Act, 1972;
: Sale of Goods Act, 1950;
: Hire Purchase Act, 1967;
: Sale of Drugs Act, 1952: and
: Pesticides Act, 1968;
Through enforcement of these laws, consumers can expect, to some extent, better protection. Additionally, if consumers feel they did not get what was expected from the product or service or the performance of the product or service is below what was promised or below "reasonable expectations", they can seek redress from the Tribunal for Consumer Claims. The Tribunal represents an affordable and accessible system for the consumer to seek redress.
Consumer Education
投稿者 Johnny Kang 時刻: 13:24:00
ラベル: Johnny Kang ( JK )
投稿者 Johnny Kang 時刻: 17:10:00
ラベル: Johnny Kang ( JK )
Success is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration.
When everything is fast paced in the age,instant things such as instant noodles, instant photographs, instant takeaway food, etc, exist. Many people also expect success to be instant. They expect instant (gratification : satisfaction / fulfilment) in whatever they have set out 10% inspiration and 90% (perspiration : (hard work). That is to say success does not come easily. It takes lots and lots of hard work.
One example is the mastery of the English Language. Many people think that just by attending a two or three-week course, they can become experts in the language. This is usually not the case. Those who really good at the language have studied it for years, even decades. They read a lot and they learn everything they can about the language including the meanings of its words, its sentence structures and correct usage. Only after many (grueling : exhausting / taxing / hard / difficult) years of serious study have they become as good as they are. A great percentage of the success of such people depends on perspiration or hard work.
Another example is Thomas Edison who invented the light bulb. He had the inspiration to use electricity for lighting purposes so he set out to make something that would light up when electricity is passed through it. In short, he wanted to create a light bulb. He did not succeed at his first attempt. He failed more than a thousand times. Eventually, he created an element that could light up brightly when electricity was passed through it and which could last for a reasonable period of time. I think it was he who said, "Success is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration."
Another famous man (could bear testimony to this statement : can be witness to / can give proof of). He was James Watt who invented the steam engine. Watching a coin being blown off the spout of a kettle of boiling water, he was ispired to use steam to work for mankind. So, he (envisaged : saw / visualised) an engine powered by steam. Many people thought that he succeeded after only a few attempts. The truth was he tried out thousands of models before he found one that worked well. His success came only with a lot of perspiration, that is very hard work.
From the foregoing examples, we should learn never to expect to succeed instantly in whatever we have set out to do. Success is usually 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration.
投稿者 Johnny Kang 時刻: 4:34:00
ラベル: Johnny Kang ( JK )
投稿者 Johnny Kang 時刻: 17:03:00
ラベル: Johnny Kang ( JK )
到半山腰的时候,燃气炉真的堵塞了。带着钢针的人把钢针拿了出来,但是天气太冷,钢针变得很脆,他一不小心把钢针绷断了 ---- 全队的饮食从此就断绝了。最后,登山队没有一个人从山上走下来。
投稿者 Johnny Kang 時刻: 4:55:00
ラベル: Johnny Kang ( JK )
上帝给撒哈拉披上了一层黄沙,但那只是礼物的包装。因为下面有着世界上最大的宝藏 --- 石油。
有的人羡慕她大学刚毕业就开始走红,进入了国家级的歌剧院;有的人恭维她 27 岁就成为世界 10 大女高音歌唱家之一;也有人赞美她有个腰缠万贯的丈夫,还有个脸上总带着微笑的儿子。。。
人们听了她的话,都震惊得说不出话来,面面相看,一时之间都无法接受这个事实。见此情景,歌唱家心平气和地说道:“这一切说明了什么呢?这一切说明了一个道理 --- 上帝给谁的都一样多。”
耶稣死去的那天是世界上最悲痛的日子,但三天后就是复活节 --- 世界上最快乐的日子!所以,永远要记得,上天是公平的。
投稿者 Johnny Kang 時刻: 19:11:00
ラベル: Johnny Kang ( JK )
两家争执不下谁也不肯让步,于是反目成仇。 想里也不能判断这棵树究竟应该属于谁,一个有土地证,白纸黑字,合理合法;一个有证人证言,前人栽树后人乘凉,理所当然。
投稿者 Johnny Kang 時刻: 8:40:00
ラベル: Johnny Kang ( JK )